Codex Esoterica is a compilation of multidisciplinary knowledge. It is a fusion of many fields of science, esoteric wisdom, philosophy, and Ancient Spirituality. It is designed to transform a person into a Philomath, or lover of learning. Inside is knowledge acquired from in-depth study of the Spiritual Traditions of the Ancient and Modern world, the Sciences, the Occult, and everything in between. It is not intended to be a hard rule for how absolutely everything works. No mortal can know it, or the being would be all-knowing, or what humanity has traditionally referred to as god.
What’s Inside:
- Sacred Geometry Unveiled: Codex Esoterica begins its journey by unraveling the secrets of sacred geometry, exposing the intricate design that governs the physical universe. Through profound insights, readers will gain a deep understanding of how these geometric patterns shape and mold the world around us.
- Forces of Energy and Their Dance with Matter: Navigate the complex fusion between the forces of energy and the material realm. Codex Esoterica illuminates the symbiotic relationship between energy and matter, comprehensively exploring the unseen forces that influence our everyday experiences.
- Consciousness as the Navigator: Embark on a transformative exploration of consciousness and its unparalleled role in directing the ebb and flow of energy. This section provides profound insights into the nature of consciousness, empowering readers to harness their awareness as a powerful force for intentional living.
- The Purposeful Incarnation: Uncover the mysteries of your existence as Codex Esoterica delves into the reasons behind your chosen incarnation on Earth. Gain clarity on the purpose that led you to this moment and understand the cosmic forces in your journey through time and space.
- The Human Body as the Vessel of Wisdom: In the final revelation, Codex Esoterica unveils the remarkable truth that the human body is a repository of this sacred knowledge. Learn how to operate your body as an instrument for conscious development, unlocking the potential for profound discoveries and fulfilling your life’s purpose.
Codex Esoterica is a beacon of enlightenment for those seeking a deeper understanding of the hidden realms that shape our reality. Seasoned seekers or curious novices will find invaluable knowledge about the profound journey into the heart of esoteric wisdom, providing the tools to navigate the intricate tapestry of existence. Exploring Codex begin the expedition into the realms of hidden human wisdom.
As Graham Hancock famously said, Humanity is a species with amnesia. The purpose of forgetting, the reason for the amnesia, is to get us to focus on the matter. Focus on the matter creates a mission that must be accomplished with the time given here.
Time does not stop moving, whether you want to or not it forces us to make a choice. We cannot do all things because that would be another godlike quality.
What we decide to focus on either aligns with our true self and the desire for a certain experience, or a fake identity we manufacture to help someone else realize their dream.
My sincerest wish in writing this is that something within these pages will allow you to realize yours.
Recognize what is in your sight. That which is hidden from you will become plain to you.
Ben Vale –
Having read the negative comments about Zechariah Sitchin I wanted to read the original stories on their own with a good translation. This book is brilliant although not the easiest to read as it doesn’t smooth over gaps. I prefer this as it let’s me make up my own mind how to fill them. The idea of extra terrestrials having visited the earth can be easily deducted from these texts, one only needs to read the first story “Atrahasis” to get the idea “When Anu had gone up to the sky, [And the gods of] the Apsu had gone below, The Anunnaki of the sky Made the Igigi bear the workload.”These gods are not portrayed in a way we like to think of gods as kind of heavenly beings but remind us of greek gods, real people but from a different place, another planet. These gods are as human as we are, they are sleeping in houses, grumble over hard work, complain and start rebellions. And like us humans, who want to ease the work-burden and use workers/slaves, so did they, they created mankind to do the work for them.They ” … clear channels, the lifelines of the land, … They were counting the years of loads, For 3,600 years they bore the excess, Hard work, night and day. They groaned and blamed each other, Grumbled over the masses of excavated soil”The stories are all very human, have even a modern feel to it sometimes. They really make you think and wonder, who are these Anunnaki, are they really gods in a sense of how we understand gods, supernatural beings, or are they simply a kind of human from a different planet who created workers in their own image but a shorter life span. Even the process of creation as described in these stories do remind one of modern genetic engineering. After reading these stories, I believe that Sitchin might really have a point, there really might have been people from another planet who visited this planet and created us.Of course there are always other interpretations possible, but considering the style these stories are written in and how there are so many other cultures with similar stories and artefacts that still puzzle science and historians today, I think we should keep an open mind. This book is a good start to get a more ‘un-biased’ view about ancient cultures like the Sumerian. Let the stories speak for themselves.
martin nel –
Whether you see him as an expert on ancient history or a type of science-fiction writer he has posed some uncomfortable questions. And whether you see him as a crackpot or not, it is still compelling reading. I don’t necessarily believe everything had Freud said either, but in both “theorists” I see a grain of truth. And with both, the writing is engaging and has made me think about the nature of the human narrative. Besides, both write in the Socratic tradition of questioning. It is this kind of questioning that is in itself mesmerising. Both have angered the mainstream, and I think both have made a contribution to the Big Narrative. Besides, we cannot dismiss those we disagree with, what we can do is consider some of their ideas and then make up our own minds. I’ve seen some very irate experts in the field and that always makes me remember that line from Hamlet: methinks the lady doth protest too much. You don’t have to buy into the theory, but you cannot but help to doubt the mainstream’s sanctimonious dismissal of alternative thinkers
This new translation of Akkadian myths by Stephanie Dalley contains not only the well-known ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’, but also astonishing fragments from ‘Atrahasis’, ‘The Epic of Creation’, the short ‘Theogony of Dunnu’ with its recurrent themes of incest, patricide, and matricide, and the violent poem ‘Erra and Ishum’.The Epic of GilgameshThis book presents a translation of every major excavated clay tablet about Gilgamesh’s search for eternal life. Therein, the ‘alewife’ ridicules Gilgamesh’s quest: ‘Gilgamesh you will not find the eternal life you seek … the gods appointed death for mankind. Kept eternal life in their own hands. So, Gilgamesh, day and night enjoy yourself in every way’.For a modern rendition of the epic, I recommend the outstanding version by Stephen Mitchell, ‘Gilgamesh’ (Profile Books).Atrahasisis a raw poem with an astonishing interpretation of the flood. It was provoked by the gods to combat overpopulation (‘the people too numerous … the gods grew restless’). The gods also used other brutal means like starvation, which led to cannibalism : ‘they served up a daughter for a meal, served up a son for food.’The Epic of Creationis an ode about the Babylonian hero-god Marduk, the creator of the primeval man.Marduk slays the opponent of his own gods, Tiamat, ending chaos and allowing creation to proceed.Out of Tiamet he built the world: ‘he opened the Euphrates and the Tigris from her eyes … he piled up clear cut mountains from her udder …’Erra and IshumErra is the god of the plague and the underworld, while Ishum is his counselor, ‘a pious slaughterer’.More belligerent and murderous stances are hard to find: ‘his heart urged him to make war. He spoke to his weapons, ‘Rub yourselves with deadly poison!”Like one who plunders a country, I do not distinguish just from unjust … one does not snatch a corpse from the mouth of a marauding lion.’These outspoken and explicit texts are truly remarkable. They tackle profound human themes such as war and peace (power struggles), gods and men (religion), and love and death. Of course, they don’t have the polished form of the Greek masterpieces, but they are up to 2000 years older than these.
Marcelo Correia –
Produto de ótima qualidade
O produto é ótimo, qualidade de impressão, o tamanho também é bom e se acomada bem na hora da leitura. Tenho de destacar a qualidade do papel e da capa, apesar não ser capa dura da pra ver que é um bom produto.Comecei a ler e até agora vem superando minhas expectativas. Super recomendo para amantes de história e estudiosos.
Christian Miller –
Excelente libro de estos no hay en las librerías de de Mexico
Estoy feliz con mi libro
Amazon Customer –
Water damaged
Received it water damaged today, the book itself is probably great but the condition is not.
amanda –
This was a textbook for one of my history courses. It was a fantastic resource. It was clear and easy to read
Saurav –
Good for beginners