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Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Empire (Bloomsbury Publishing)

(10 customer reviews)

The first comprehensive account of the rise and fall of what historians consider to be the world’s very first empire: Assyria

‘A work of remarkable synthesis. The range of its sources is truly extraordinary . . . Frahm punctures a fair share of myths too’ Pratinav Anil, The Times

At its height in 660 BCE, the kingdom of Assyria stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf. It was the first empire the world had ever seen.

Here, historian Eckart Frahm tells the epic story of Assyria and its formative role in global history. Assyria’s wide-ranging conquests have long been known from the Hebrew Bible and later Greek accounts. But nearly two centuries of research now permit a rich picture of the Assyrians and their empire beyond the battlefield: their vast libraries and monumental sculptures, their elaborate trade and information networks, and the crucial role played by royal women.

Although Assyria was crushed by rising powers in the late seventh century BCE, its legacy endured from the Babylonian and Persian empires to Rome and beyond. Assyria is a stunning and authoritative account of a civilisation essential to understanding the ancient world and our own.

Product description


Frahm engagingly chronicles the progress of the Assyrian Empire, illustrating how a peaceful polity very gradually lost the plot . . . Frahm has a fine eye for the ironies of history . . . He punctures a fair share of myths too . . . Assyria is a work of remarkable synthesis. The range of its sources is truly extraordinary: tablets and stele, of course, but also “faunal and floral analysis”, “advanced forms of pottery studies” and satellite images. Frahm’s prose has a light, aphoristic touch — Pratinav Anil ― The Times

A superb, compelling, and exuberantly written history of the Assyrians, popularly known only as the bad guys of the Old Testament, but actually one of the most significant of all ancient Near Eastern empire builders. This book is filled with fascinating detail and cliché-busting analysis. Sweeping yet nuanced, Eckart Frahm challenges -and changes-the way we think about the Assyrians and the culture they fashioned — Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, author of ‘Persians’

Eckart Frahm has produced a compelling account of how the Assyrians built an empire that ruled over large territories and diverse peoples. Assyria offers us a new way to think about the formation and sustainability of an imperial model that has shaped human experiences for much of the past 3000 years. It is ancient history that remains relevant to this day — Edward J. Watts, author of ‘Mortal Republic’

An extremely readable introduction to Assyria and the Assyrians, from their origins to their ultimate demise. Frahm presents a wealth of knowledge and information in an accessible manner, and with relevance to today, which will be of interest to scholars, students, and members of the general public alike — Eric Cline, author of ‘1177 B.C.’

Book Description

The masterful first comprehensive non-fiction account of the rise and fall of what historians consider to be the world’s very first empire: Assyria

From the Back Cover

The first comprehensive account of the rise and fall of what historians consider to be the world’s very first empire: Assyria

‘A work of remarkable synthesis. The range of its sources is truly extraordinary . . . Frahm punctures a fair share of myths too’ Pratinav Anil, The Times

At its height in 660 BCE, the kingdom of Assyria stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf. It was the first empire the world had ever seen.

Here, historian Eckart Frahm tells the epic story of Assyria and its formative role in global history. Assyria’s wide-ranging conquests have long been known from the Hebrew Bible and later Greek accounts. But nearly two centuries of research now permit a rich picture of the Assyrians and their empire beyond the battlefield: their vast libraries and monumental sculptures, their elaborate trade and information networks, and the crucial role played by royal women.

Although Assyria was crushed by rising powers in the late seventh century BCE, its legacy endured from the Babylonian and Persian empires to Rome and beyond. Assyria is a stunning and authoritative account of a civilisation essential to understanding the ancient world and our own.

About the Author

Eckart Frahm is professor of Assyriology in the department of Near Eastern languages and civilisations at Yale. One of the world’s foremost experts on the Assyrian Empire, he is the author or co-author of six books on ancient Mesopotamian history and culture. He lives in New Haven, Connecticut.
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Dimensions 12.9 × 2.69 × 19.81 cm
Publisher ‏

‎ Bloomsbury Publishing; 1st edition (28 Mar. 2024)

Language ‏

‎ English

Paperback ‏

‎ 528 pages

ISBN-10 ‏

‎ 1526623838

ISBN-13 ‏

‎ 978-1526623836

Dimensions ‏

‎ 12.9 x 2.69 x 19.81 cm

10 reviews for Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Empire (Bloomsbury Publishing)

  1. Varese

    Informative and well written, would like a similar book looking at the Sumerians, Babylonians etc to help contextualise things.

  2. Ernie

    A comprehensive yet concise history which offers a fulsome overview of a civilisation which is often dismissed as nasty

  3. PAF

    I got this as 58th wedding anniversary present for my equal half, having seen it recommended in either ‘World…’ or ‘Current Archaeology’ and it exactly fitted the bill. Thanks for the prompt and efficient delivery.

  4. Robert Fortune

    This is a really interesting history that succeeds in making the case for Assyria having been the world’s first empire. My only complaint – the inadequate maps.

  5. Gabriel Stein

    A very interesting overview of the Assyrian Empire, its history, but also its culture and religion. The Assyrians were far from the cruel, ruthless (though they could certainly be that too!) barbarians of our imagination. Read it!

  6. Denis Dennehy

    I liked the depth of the analysis and ease of reading.The weakness and this is obvious is in the early history of the Assyrian and their relationship with the surrounding civilisations of Akkad and Babylon

  7. Brynjolfur T.

    I bought this book in a bookstore a couple of weeks ago – I had seen it several times before but wasn’t sure if I really wanted to learn all that much about Assyria. But it turned out that I did – I’ve just finished the book and I can heartily recommend it to anyone interested in the history of bronze- and ironage Mesopotamia and the Levant, including all those armchair bible scholars out there!The book gets progressively better as it gets closer to the real excitement in the first millenium BCE, and it is always a pleasure to read, being both well written and balanced in its sympathies for the Assyrians and their victims!

  8. Happygayman

    I’m afraid I agree with the 1 star review. 2 stars though as it is just about worth the struggle. This writer has been shamefully let down by his editor.

  9. Kindler

    人類史の黎明期にメソポタミアの肥沃な大地に花開いた古代文明のアッシリア。 シュメールの跡を受けて紀元前3千年紀の半ば頃にティグリス河畔に勃興し繁栄を誇ったアッシリアだが、紀元前600年代に衰退消滅して長きに亘り謎の文明とされた。 ほぼ2千年の時を経て19世紀の発掘で掘り出された金銀細工の精巧さや造営物に刻まれた楔形文字の解読によって四大文明の一つで世界最初の大帝国の全貌が解き明かされていく。この本を読めば古代アッシリアが高度の文明を築き上げていたことに誰しも驚くこと必定。 碑文や粘土板などの楔形文字の解読で明らかになった歴代国王治世下の年代記録が本書のベースになっているので史実としての信憑性は極めて高い。 長い間謎に包まれていたアッシリア文明が1840年代以降の古代遺跡の発掘で解き明かされていく過程など最初の30ページほどの導入部でアッシリア文明のあらましを予備知識として提供してくれる著者の心配りが嬉しい。 噛んで含めるような語り口に加え味わい深いエピソードを散りばめて読者を飽きさせない。文明の源流を辿る壮大な歴史の旅を楽しめる本で本当に感銘を受けた。 終わりに近い17章では後世の語り草になっている「セミラミス(古代アッシリア伝説王ニノスの王妃)」にまつわる伝説がとても面白いので読み飛ばさないでほしい。 最初から最後まで楽しめる本と言いたいが、終章一歩手前で18章のISISによるアッシリア遺跡の徹底的な破壊は読むのが辛い。 発掘された紀元前9世紀頃の浮き彫りの中でアッシリア国王とバビロニアの支配者が今日広く諸国に広まっている友好的なマナーである「握手」をしている構図があるというのは驚き。そんな昔から戦火を交えた宿敵同士の間で文明的な和解のポーズの習慣があったというのは目から鱗。

  10. Lorna

    Beau livre
    J’ai offert ce livre pour l’anniversaire de ma mère et elle était ravi! La couverture est belle et le livre intéressant.

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