The Sumerian Civilization: An Enthralling Overview of Sumer and the Ancient Sumerians (History of Mesopotamia)
£10.49Ancient Mesopotamia’s legacy was truly revolutionary. Childlike pictures scratched into wet clay evolved into the first written language. The Mesopotamians wrote the first epic poems, the first hymns, the first histories, and the first law codes. They developed the first wheel for transportation; simple carts that hauled bricks or produce morphed into chariots racing along at thirty-five miles per hour.
They gazed at the sky and mapped it, observing the planets’ retrograde motions and predicting lunar and solar eclipses. They developed the concept of time, measurements, basic counting, higher math, and hydraulic engineering.
Mesopotamia gave birth to the world’s first great empires—the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Achaemenids—which stretched over three continents.
A glimpse at the questions this overview unpacks includes:
- How old is the world’s first city?
- How did the Eridu Genesis compare to Noah and the ark?
- How fast was the world’s first postal system?
- How many times did Babylon’s patron god Marduk get stolen?
- How did Hammurabi’s law code compare to the Law of Moses?
- Who calculated pi (π) to the value of 3.125 and understood the Pythagorean theorem twelve centuries before Pythagoras was born?
- Did Xerxes really have a million men in his army?
- Which empire encompassed 44 percent of the world’s population?
- What eunuch poisoned most of the Persian royal family?
- And much, much more!
Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn the stories of incredible ancient Mesopotamia!
The Akkadian Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the Rise and Fall of the Akkadians (History of Mesopotamia)
£10.93Where did Sargon the Great come from—this abandoned baby rescued from the river?
How did he grow up to daringly and dramatically conquer all of Mesopotamia and beyond?
What propelled his stunning ascent to rule the world’s first empire, which stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea?
What can we learn about the fascinating origins and culture of the Akkadians and their unprecedented rise?
What curse preceded the empire’s cataclysmic fall?
This extensively researched, authoritative history of the Akkadian Empire will unlock the little-known and awe-inspiring stories of the people who boldly changed the world. This easy-to-read, comprehensive, and engaging presentation with striking illustrations brings the Akkadian civilization to life.
Some of the fascinating questions you will explore include:
- What prehistoric people lived in Mesopotamia at the dawn of time?
- How did the world’s first cities vie for power?
- What precipitated Sargon’s rise from gardener to cupbearer to king?
- Why was Mesopotamia’s “Golden Age” golden?
- What horrific drought impelled the empire’s collapse?
- Why was the Akkadian military machine indomitable?
- How did the Akkadian’s life-like sculptures rival classical Greece 1,600 years later?
- Why was the first empire so short?
- What gods did the Akkadians worship, and how did their religion impact their lives?
- And much, much more!
Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn more about the Akkadian Empire!
Mystery Cults in the Ancient World
Mystery cults are one of the most intriguing areas of Greek and Roman religion. In the nocturnal mysteries at Eleusis, participants dramatically re-enacted the story of Demeter’s loss and recovery of her daughter Persephone; in Bacchic cult, bands of women ran wild in the Greek countryside to honour Dionysus; in the mysteries of Mithras, men came to understand the nature of the universe and their place within it through frightening initiation ceremonies and astrological teachings.
These cults were an important part of life in the ancient Mediterranean world, but their actual practices were shrouded in secrecy, and much of what they were about has remained unclear until now. This is the first book to describe and explain all the major mystery cults of the ancient world, cult by cult, reconstructing the rituals and exploring their origins. It makes plentiful use of artistic and archaeological evidence, as well as ancient literature and epigraphy. Greek painted pottery, Roman frescoes, inscribed gold tablets from Greek and South Italian tombs and the excavated sites of ancient religious sanctuaries all contribute to our understanding of ancient mystery cults. Making use of the most recent work on these cults, the book is also informed by crucial current work on the anthropology and cognitive science of religion.
Not only is this clearly written book a significant contribution to the study of these cults, but it is also accessible to a general readership. More than any other book on ancient religion, it allows the reader to understand what it was like to participate in these life-transforming religious events.
The History of the Peloponnesian War (Classics)
‘With icy remorselessness, it puts paid to any notion that the horrors of modern history might be an aberration – for it tells of universal war, of terrorism, revolution and genocide’ Tom Holland
The long life-and-death struggle between Athens and Sparta plunged the ancient Greek world into decades of war. Thucydides was an Athenian and achieved the rank of general in the earlier stages of the war, and in this detailed, first-hand contemporary account he writes as both a soldier and a historian. He applies a passion for accuracy and a contempt for myth and romance in compiling a factual record of a ruinous conflict that would eventually destroy the Athenian empire.
Translated by Rex Warner with an introduction and notes by M. I. Finley
Cosmic Legacy of Ancient Egypt
£15.49Today, we do not use our ancient cosmic orientation to relate to the natural world as we once did. It’s no longer determined by where we are or what time it is by the Sun’s daily motion across the sky. Our perception of the outside world has changed, and we have lost our sense of wholeness within a great system. Factors such as our work and play rhythms, clothing, diet, and travel are affected by climatic and seasonal factors. These factors affect our unconscious sense of timing and our ability to communicate with nature, which we often overlook.
Often we marvel at the apparent serenity and spiritual confidence of ancient people, forgetting that their tools were taught and used within an environment that encouraged them to recognize and embrace natural and divine forces. These tools enabled one to maintain a profound sense of cosmic orientation, keep it, and view one’s role as actual spiritual work. In ancient Egypt, a man named Al was gifted with a sense of cosmic orientation.
As dams have been constructed in our era, the Nile no longer produces an annual flood, but understanding the rhythm of that event and others associated with it is essential to understanding Egyptian rituals and ceremonies. To restore cosmic orientation, we need to leave our temporal field of time and enter the visible universe of ancient Egypt, where cosmic rhythms sustained human life, nature, and even the gods.
For Egyptians, both secular and spiritual matters were governed by the concept of time. Even though the gods’ realms (Neheh) were considered eternal, they were also continuous and manifested in cycles. According to cosmic life’s ebbs and flows, gods appeared at different times but were lasting and constant. Through the medium of heavenly bodies, events take place in linear time (Djet) and according to the ebb and flow of cosmic life. The three dimensions of cosmic activity were thought to be formed by three distinct rhythms, the lunar, solar, and stellar.
Mesopotamia: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Mesopotamian History and Civilizations, Including the Sumerians and Sumerian Mythology, Gilgamesh, Ur, … Persian Empire (Exploring Ancient History)
£17.80- Sumerians: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Sumerian History, Sumerian Mythology and the Mesopotamian Empire of the Sumer Civilization
- Gilgamesh: A Captivating Guide to Gilgamesh the King and the Epic of Gilgamesh
- Ur: A Captivating Guide to One of the Most Important Sumerian City-States in Ancient Mesopotamia
- Assyrian History: A Captivating Guide to the Assyrians and Their Powerful Empire in Ancient Mesopotamia
- Babylon: A Captivating Guide to the Kingdom in Ancient Mesopotamia, Starting from the Akkadian Empire to the Battle of Opis Against Persia, Including Babylonian Mythology and the Legacy of Babylonia
- Hammurabi: A Captivating Guide to the Sixth King of the First Babylonian Dynasty, Including the Code of Hammurabi
- The Persian Empire: A Captivating Guide to the History of Persia, Starting from the Ancient Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanian Empires to the Safavid, Afsharid, and Qajar Dynasties
Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:
- The Ancient Sumerians In a Nutshell
- The Social Structure of Ancient Sumerians
- The Religion and Mythology of Ancient Sumerians
- The Sumerian Kingdoms Chronology
- The Everyday Life of Ancient Sumerians
- And much, much more!
Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:
- The History of the Epic
- All Eleven Tablets
- Sumerian Poems About Gilgamesh
- And much, much more!
In part 3 of this book, you will:
- Get a sense of how Ur came to existence, how it grew, reached its zenith, fell, re-rose, and ultimately perished until it reemerged a little over a century and a half ago
- Learn of its history, laden with wars, trade, divine worship, political corruption, and entertainment
- And much, much more!
Some of the topics covered in part 4 of this book include:
- The Assyrians Arrive in Mesopotamia: The Early Assyrian Period
- The Birth of a Civilization: The Old Assyrian Empire to the Middle Assyrian Empire
- The Beginning of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
- Imperial Expansion and the Golden Age of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
- The Fall of the Empire
- Assyrian Government
- And much, much more!
Some of the topics covered in part 5 of this book include:
- The Land of the Babylonians
- Life, Culture, and Gender Roles Throughout the Years
- Where Superstition Met Science
- Babylonia Before the Babylonians
- The Amorite Dynasty or the First Babylonians
- The First Fall of Babylon and the Rise of the Kassites
- Assyrian Domination and Rule, 911-619 BCE
- And much, much more!
Some of the topics covered in part 6 of this book include:
- Babylon Before Hammurabi: Position of the City in Mesopotamia, Early Rulers
- Rise of Hammurabi: Wars and Achievements Chronology of Hammurabi
- Hammurabi’s Character: Physical Appearance, Relations with Other Rulers, Glimpses of His Personality
- The Code of Hammurabi and Early Mesopotamian Law
- And much, much more!
Some of the topics covered in part 7 of this book include:
- Who Are the Persians? The History of Human Population in Iran
- The Birth of the Achaemenid Empire: The Rise and Reign of Cyrus the Great
- The Glory of the Achaemenid Empire: Cambyses & Darius
- And much, much more!
So if you want to learn more about Mesopotamia, scroll up and click the “add to cart” button!
Magic and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook of Sacred Texts
Zeus and the other gods of shining Olympus were in reality divine only by popular consent. Over the course of time Olympian luster diminished in favor of religious experiences more immediate to the concerns of people living in an increasingly cosmopolitan ancient world. These experiences were provided by the mysteries, religions that flourished particularly during the Hellenistic period and were secretly practiced by groups of adherents who decided, through personal choice, to be initiated into the profound realities of one deity or another. Unlike the official state religions, in which people were expected to make an outward show of allegiance to the local gods, the mysteries emphasized an inwardness and privacy of worship within a closed band of initiates.
In this book, Marvin W. Meyer explores the sacrifices and prayers, the public celebrations and secret ceremonies, the theatrical performances and literary works, the gods and goddesses that were a part of the mystery religions of Greece in the seventh century B.C. to the Judaism and Christianity of the Roman world of the seventh century A.D.
Uncovering Celtic Mythology: A Beginner’s Guide Into The World Of Celtic Myths, Fairy Tales, Folklore, Warriors, Celtic Gods and Creatures (Ancient History Books)
£23.99In 58 BCE, when Julius Caesar – the famous Roman general – wrote a commentary on the Gallic wars, he described the “Celt” speaking people who lived in the area then known as the Gaul.
These people had their own culture, gods, and beliefs – called Celtic Mythology – which were very different from the Romans.
The influence of this mythology, however, was not limited to a small territory. This culture spread across Europe, especially to the western nations of Britain, Ireland, France, and Spain.
The legacy of Celts is still alive, and you may even have encountered these traces of Celtic culture:
- The languages spoken by modern-day Irish, Scottish, and Welsh people
- King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
- The legends and pop-culture depictions of the shrieking spirit of Banshee
- Conan the Barbarian, a very famous character appearing in films as well as comics
- Bran Stark, from Game of Thrones, who becomes the Three-eyed Raven
The above examples are just a handful of successors from the ancient Celtic culture, and the last two draw direct inspiration from Celtic mythology.
And there’s even more from where those came from…
In Uncovering Celtic Mythology, you will discover:
- A comprehensive, beginner-friendly guide to understanding the world of Celtic Mythology
- The origins and culture of the Celtic people that inhabited Western Europe since the Iron Age
- Symbolisms and Beliefs: explore creation myths, sacred trees, sacred festivals, and more!
- Irish and Welsh Mythologies (and how they continue the folkloric traditions of the Celts)
- The Great Cycles – relive the 4 great sagas that form the mythological history of Ireland’s Celtic people
- A curated collection of folktales that form an important part of Irish and Welsh mythologies
- 50+ character profiles – enjoy a lively cast of well known mythical heroes, gods, and goddesses
- Over 30 different creatures – legendary monsters and mythical beings – waiting for you
- How the Legend of King Arthur links with Celtic Mythology
And much more.
The Celtic culture, practices, beliefs, and myths are not just records of a bygone era… They are also examples of resilient traditions that continue to inspire mankind even in modern times.
If you want to explore the magical myths of Celtic Mythology – and have fun while doing it – then scroll up and click “Add to Cart” right now.
Greek, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome: Fascinating Insights, Mythology, Stories, History & Knowledge From The World’s Most Interesting Civilizations & Empires: 4 books
£24.99Discover Myths, History & More From The World’s Most Ancient Civilizations!
Within this epic 4 book bundle are vibrant, exciting, and memorable characters – plus places, myths, history, legends and more from Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome.
Included in this Captivating 4 Book Collection are:
- Ancient Egypt: Discover Fascinating History, Mythology, Gods, Goddesses, Pharaohs, Pyramids & More From The Mysterious Ancient Egyptian Civilisation.
- Greek Mythology: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Ancient Greece, The Myths, History & Legends of The Gods, Goddesses, Titans, Heroes, Monsters & More
- Mythology of Mesopotamia: Insights, Myths, Stories & History From The World’s Most Ancient Civilization. Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian.
- Roman Empire: Rise & The Fall. Explore The History, Mythology, Legends, Epic Battles & Lives Of The Emperors, Legions, Heroes, Gladiators & More
We promise that once you’ve finished reading you’ll not only take away a wealth of information – but you’ll own the experience as if you’ve lived it yourself!
That’s because we have a passion for presenting factual, enjoyable history and culture in a style that keeps you turning the pages. Our books aim to not only provide you with the knowledge but to create an experience…We want you to feel the mythology and history “brought alive”
Allow us then to guide you through the mysterious, fascinating and magnificent histories of Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome. Gods, goddesses, kings, queens, pyramids, mythology, culture, battles, beliefs, rituals, love, war, and much more.
All This & Much More In This 4 Book Collection, including:
- The Timeline of Roman History – How did it all begin? And how did it end?
- The Ancient Origins & Story of The Olympics
- Introduction to the Sumerians, Assyrians, Persians & Babylonians.
- Egyptian Mythology, Gods & Goddesses – including, Ra; God of The Sun, Seth; God of Chaos, Osiris & more
- How The Roman Military Became The Most Powerful In The World.
- How Mesopotamia Laid Foundations for Human Civilization – technology, laws, education, languages & more.
- Ancient Greek Monsters – Medusa, The Hydra, Typhon, Cerberus & More!
- Love, War, Suicide & Venom – The Cleopatra, Caesar & Mark Antony Love Triangle
- Mesopotamian epics & myths, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Babylonian Creation Myth, The Enuma Elish & many more.
- Uncovering The Secrets of The Pyramids & The Mysteries Mummification
And much, much more…
It’s time to pull back the curtain and discover what it was really like back then. Get closer to those fantastic, colorful, and mysterious times.
Whether you’re a history enthusiast or just a curious reader…Inside you will discover a wealth of history, mythology, culture and more in this book.