
Ancient Book of Jubilees

Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £6.61.
Almost lost over the centuries, the Book of Jubilees was retrieved from the Ethiopic language, translated into English by R. H. Charles, and was recently found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Jubilees is also called the Little Genesis, Book of Divisions, and the Apocalypse of Moses. It repeats the events of Genesis and Exodus from Creation to the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. It recounts the events in sets of jubilees (sets of 49 years) and gives additional details such as the fall of the angels, and the creation and destruction of the Nephilim. It also mentions the three classes of pre-flood Nephilim. It details the fact that one-tenth of their disembodied spirits would remain on earth as demons to tempt people and nine-tenths would be chained until the Tribulation Period. Learn what secrets this Dead Sea Scroll holds. Compare the mysterious Qumran calendar with that of the Bible to learn more about biblical prophecies. The commentary is written from a fundamentalist Christian perspective. Brought to you by Biblefacts Ministries,

Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets

The history of the Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The author is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King who founded a colony in ancient Egypt, wrote the Emerald Tablets in his native Atlantean language which was translated by many famous scholars. This compendium of the Emerald Tablets gives unique insight and understanding of the content. Billy Carson breaks down each tablet and decodes all of the esoteric messages, metaphysics, technology and quantum mechanics for the reader. Because of the tablet’s reference to the Egypt and sacred geometry they became a priority reference for those studying the Flower of Life and the Merkaba meditation. Foreword by Jimmy Church. 5 star reviews by Erich Von Daniken, Dr Tara Swart, George Noory, Jason Martell and many more!

Cosmic Legacy of Ancient Egypt


Today, we do not use our ancient cosmic orientation to relate to the natural world as we once did. It’s no longer determined by where we are or what time it is by the Sun’s daily motion across the sky. Our perception of the outside world has changed, and we have lost our sense of wholeness within a great system. Factors such as our work and play rhythms, clothing, diet, and travel are affected by climatic and seasonal factors. These factors affect our unconscious sense of timing and our ability to communicate with nature, which we often overlook.

Often we marvel at the apparent serenity and spiritual confidence of ancient people, forgetting that their tools were taught and used within an environment that encouraged them to recognize and embrace natural and divine forces. These tools enabled one to maintain a profound sense of cosmic orientation, keep it, and view one’s role as actual spiritual work. In ancient Egypt, a man named Al was gifted with a sense of cosmic orientation.

As dams have been constructed in our era, the Nile no longer produces an annual flood, but understanding the rhythm of that event and others associated with it is essential to understanding Egyptian rituals and ceremonies. To restore cosmic orientation, we need to leave our temporal field of time and enter the visible universe of ancient Egypt, where cosmic rhythms sustained human life, nature, and even the gods.

For Egyptians, both secular and spiritual matters were governed by the concept of time. Even though the gods’ realms (Neheh) were considered eternal, they were also continuous and manifested in cycles. According to cosmic life’s ebbs and flows, gods appeared at different times but were lasting and constant. Through the medium of heavenly bodies, events take place in linear time (Djet) and according to the ebb and flow of cosmic life. The three dimensions of cosmic activity were thought to be formed by three distinct rhythms, the lunar, solar, and stellar.

Discovering the Mysteries of Phoenician Legends: Unlocking Ancient Knowledge: A Journey Through the Enigmatic World of Phoenician Mythology

Do you want to embark on an exciting journey back in time to uncover the secrets of one of the most intriguing civilizations in history? Then, “Discovering the Mysteries of Phoenician Legends” is the book for you! This captivating guide will take you on an enthralling adventure as we explore the fascinating culture, myths, and legends of the Phoenicians.

Through this must-read book, you will unlock the knowledge and understanding of the Phoenician civilization that once ruled the Mediterranean world. Immerse yourself in the world of the Phoenicians and discover:

– The history and origin of the Phoenician civilization
– The religion and deities worshipped by the Phoenicians
– The famous Phoenician myths and legends
– The Phoenician alphabet and its impact on modern language

Featured List:
– Unravel the mysteries of one of the world’s most fascinating civilizations.
– Engage in an adventurous journey back in time.
– The perfect gift for history buffs and myth lovers.
– Unlock the secrets of the Phoenician culture.

What are you waiting for? Grab a copy today and indulge in a thrilling voyage to discover the secrets of Phoenician Legends! Add to cart now!

Unlocking Ancient Knowledge: A Journey Through the Enigmatic World of Phoenician Mythology

Greek, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome: Fascinating Insights, Mythology, Stories, History & Knowledge From The World’s Most Interesting Civilizations & Empires: 4 books


Discover Myths, History & More From The World’s Most Ancient Civilizations!

Within this epic 4 book bundle are vibrant, exciting, and memorable characters – plus places, myths, history, legends and more from Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome.

Included in this Captivating 4 Book Collection are:

  • Ancient Egypt: Discover Fascinating History, Mythology, Gods, Goddesses, Pharaohs, Pyramids & More From The Mysterious Ancient Egyptian Civilisation.
  • Greek Mythology: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Ancient Greece, The Myths, History & Legends of The Gods, Goddesses, Titans, Heroes, Monsters & More
  • Mythology of Mesopotamia: Insights, Myths, Stories & History From The World’s Most Ancient Civilization. Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian.
  • Roman Empire: Rise & The Fall. Explore The History, Mythology, Legends, Epic Battles & Lives Of The Emperors, Legions, Heroes, Gladiators & More

We promise that once you’ve finished reading you’ll not only take away a wealth of information – but you’ll own the experience as if you’ve lived it yourself!

That’s because we have a passion for presenting factual, enjoyable history and culture in a style that keeps you turning the pages. Our books aim to not only provide you with the knowledge but to create an experience…We want you to feel the mythology and history “brought alive”

Allow us then to guide you through the mysterious, fascinating and magnificent histories of Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome. Gods, goddesses, kings, queens, pyramids, mythology, culture, battles, beliefs, rituals, love, war, and much more.

All This & Much More In This 4 Book Collection, including:

  • The Timeline of Roman History – How did it all begin? And how did it end?
  • The Ancient Origins & Story of The Olympics
  • Introduction to the Sumerians, Assyrians, Persians & Babylonians.
  • Egyptian Mythology, Gods & Goddesses – including, Ra; God of The Sun, Seth; God of Chaos, Osiris & more
  • How The Roman Military Became The Most Powerful In The World.
  • How Mesopotamia Laid Foundations for Human Civilization – technology, laws, education, languages & more.
  • Ancient Greek Monsters – Medusa, The Hydra, Typhon, Cerberus & More!
  • Love, War, Suicide & Venom – The Cleopatra, Caesar & Mark Antony Love Triangle
  • Mesopotamian epics & myths, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Babylonian Creation Myth, The Enuma Elish & many more.
  • Uncovering The Secrets of The Pyramids & The Mysteries Mummification

And much, much more…

It’s time to pull back the curtain and discover what it was really like back then. Get closer to those fantastic, colorful, and mysterious times.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast or just a curious reader…Inside you will discover a wealth of history, mythology, culture and more in this book.


Magic and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Original price was: £18.99.Current price is: £18.40.
Of all the civilisations of the ancient world, Egypt holds the greatest fascination. Both art and science flourished, and the knowledge of medicine, anatomy and biology was unequalled until modern scientific breakthroughs were made. The ancient Egyptians were also masters and mistresses of the magical arts. Magic was part of the very structure and fabric of their society and the Egyptians’ understanding of the spiritual realms, and of those hidden powers of the mind that we call psychic and magical, were unsurpassed. In Magic and Mysteries of Ancient Egypt you will learn how the ancient Egyptians used their psychic and magical powers to help them in everyday life. You will understand the cosmos as the ancient Egyptians saw it and become familiar with their pantheon of gods, including Heka, the god of magic. Each chapter contains an exercise that will help you develop your own psychic and intuitive powers and teach you how to practice some of the magical techniques of the ancient Egyptians. You will learn about your birth sign in the ancient Egyptian system and be able to determine your lucky and unlucky days. You will be able to intone sacred words, learn to understand and write hieroglyphs, inscribe spells on parchment, make a love charm, and use a divination bowl.

Mesoamerican Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Maya Mythology, Aztec Mythology, Inca Mythology, and Central American Myths (World Mythologies)

If you’re looking for a captivating collection of Inca Myths, then keep reading…

This book includes four captivating manuscripts:

  • Maya Mythology: Captivating Maya Myths of Gods, Goddesses and Legendary Creatures
  • Aztec Mythology: Captivating Aztec Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures
  • Inca Mythology: Captivating Inca Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures
  • Central American Mythology: Captivating Myths of Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures of Ancient Mexico and Central America

In the first part of this book, you’ll find the following Maya myths and topics covered

  • Two Creation Myths
  • The Downfall of Seven Macaw
  • The Boyhood Deeds of Hunahpu and Xbalanque
  • Ballgames in Xibalba
  • The Deaths and Resurrections of Hunahpu and Xbalanque
  • The Man Who Became a Buzzard
  • How the Sun and Moon Became Man and Wife
  • Rabbit Gets His Drink
  • And many more!

In the second part of this book, you’ll find the following Aztec myths and topics covered

  • The Legend of the Suns
  • The Deeds of Mixcoatl
  • The Origin of Maize and the Creation of Pulque
  • The Fall of Xochiquetzal
  • The Fate of Souls
  • Huitzilopochtli and the Founding of Tenochtitlan
  • Huemac Plays the Ball Game
  • And many more!

In the third part of this book, you’ll find the following Inca myths and topics covered

  • Stories of the Gods
  • Inca Political Myths
  • Five Andean Folktales and an Inca Play
  • And much, much more!

In the fourth part of this book, you’ll find the following Central American myths and topics covered

  • Olocupinele Creates the World (Dule/Cuna, Panama)
  • Watakame’ and the Great Flood (Wixáritari/Huichol, Mexico)
  • Yomomuli and the Talking Tree (Yoeme/Yaqui, Mexico)
  • How the Sea Was Made (Cabécar, Costa Rica)
  • Mother Scorpion’s Country (Miskito, Nicaragua)
  • The Childhood of the Sun and the Moon (qne-a tnya-e/Chatino, Mexico)
  • The Invisible Hunters (Miskito, Nicaragua)
  • The King of the Peccaries (Bribri, Costa Rica)
  • How Opossum Stole Fire (Mazatec, Mexico)
  • Uncle Rabbit and Uncle Tiger (Nicaragua)
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about these four mythologies, click “buy now”!

Mesopotamia: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Mesopotamian History and Civilizations, Including the Sumerians and Sumerian Mythology, Gilgamesh, Ur, … Persian Empire (Exploring Ancient History)

If you want to discover the remarkable history of Mesopotamia, then keep reading…

Seven captivating manuscripts in one book:

  • Sumerians: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Sumerian History, Sumerian Mythology and the Mesopotamian Empire of the Sumer Civilization
  • Gilgamesh: A Captivating Guide to Gilgamesh the King and the Epic of Gilgamesh
  • Ur: A Captivating Guide to One of the Most Important Sumerian City-States in Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Assyrian History: A Captivating Guide to the Assyrians and Their Powerful Empire in Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Babylon: A Captivating Guide to the Kingdom in Ancient Mesopotamia, Starting from the Akkadian Empire to the Battle of Opis Against Persia, Including Babylonian Mythology and the Legacy of Babylonia
  • Hammurabi: A Captivating Guide to the Sixth King of the First Babylonian Dynasty, Including the Code of Hammurabi
  • The Persian Empire: A Captivating Guide to the History of Persia, Starting from the Ancient Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanian Empires to the Safavid, Afsharid, and Qajar Dynasties

Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:

  • The Ancient Sumerians In a Nutshell
  • The Social Structure of Ancient Sumerians
  • The Religion and Mythology of Ancient Sumerians
  • The Sumerian Kingdoms Chronology
  • The Everyday Life of Ancient Sumerians
  • And much, much more!

Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:

  • The History of the Epic
  • All Eleven Tablets
  • Sumerian Poems About Gilgamesh
  • And much, much more!

In part 3 of this book, you will:

  • Get a sense of how Ur came to existence, how it grew, reached its zenith, fell, re-rose, and ultimately perished until it reemerged a little over a century and a half ago
  • Learn of its history, laden with wars, trade, divine worship, political corruption, and entertainment
  • And much, much more!

Some of the topics covered in part 4 of this book include:

  • The Assyrians Arrive in Mesopotamia: The Early Assyrian Period
  • The Birth of a Civilization: The Old Assyrian Empire to the Middle Assyrian Empire
  • The Beginning of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
  • Imperial Expansion and the Golden Age of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
  • The Fall of the Empire
  • Assyrian Government
  • And much, much more!

Some of the topics covered in part 5 of this book include:

  • The Land of the Babylonians
  • Life, Culture, and Gender Roles Throughout the Years
  • Where Superstition Met Science
  • Babylonia Before the Babylonians
  • The Amorite Dynasty or the First Babylonians
  • The First Fall of Babylon and the Rise of the Kassites
  • Assyrian Domination and Rule, 911-619 BCE
  • And much, much more!

Some of the topics covered in part 6 of this book include:

  • Babylon Before Hammurabi: Position of the City in Mesopotamia, Early Rulers
  • Rise of Hammurabi: Wars and Achievements Chronology of Hammurabi
  • Hammurabi’s Character: Physical Appearance, Relations with Other Rulers, Glimpses of His Personality
  • The Code of Hammurabi and Early Mesopotamian Law
  • And much, much more!

Some of the topics covered in part 7 of this book include:

  • Who Are the Persians? The History of Human Population in Iran
  • The Birth of the Achaemenid Empire: The Rise and Reign of Cyrus the Great
  • The Glory of the Achaemenid Empire: Cambyses & Darius
  • And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about Mesopotamia, scroll up and click the “add to cart” button!

Mystery Cults in the Ancient World

Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £12.14.
A landmark study of ancient Greek and Roman cults, from the nocturnal mysteries at Eleusis to the cults of Dionysus and Mithras.

Mystery cults are one of the most intriguing areas of Greek and Roman religion. In the nocturnal mysteries at Eleusis, participants dramatically re-enacted the story of Demeter’s loss and recovery of her daughter Persephone; in Bacchic cult, bands of women ran wild in the Greek countryside to honour Dionysus; in the mysteries of Mithras, men came to understand the nature of the universe and their place within it through frightening initiation ceremonies and astrological teachings.

These cults were an important part of life in the ancient Mediterranean world, but their actual practices were shrouded in secrecy, and much of what they were about has remained unclear until now. This is the first book to describe and explain all the major mystery cults of the ancient world, cult by cult, reconstructing the rituals and exploring their origins. It makes plentiful use of artistic and archaeological evidence, as well as ancient literature and epigraphy. Greek painted pottery, Roman frescoes, inscribed gold tablets from Greek and South Italian tombs and the excavated sites of ancient religious sanctuaries all contribute to our understanding of ancient mystery cults. Making use of the most recent work on these cults, the book is also informed by crucial current work on the anthropology and cognitive science of religion.

Not only is this clearly written book a significant contribution to the study of these cults, but it is also accessible to a general readership. More than any other book on ancient religion, it allows the reader to understand what it was like to participate in these life-transforming religious events.

Norse Paganism & Mythology Ultimate Collection 3:1: Be transported into the world of Viking culture and history. Discover the magic and mysticism of … & How to Incorporate into Your everyday life)


Suspend your disbelief and embark on a journey through time and space, stepping into a world of Norse magic, paganism, runes, mythology, and mystery.

Have you always been fascinated by Norse mythology and its myriad of powerful gods—including Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya, and Baldur?

Have the Norse runes always mystified you, and would you love to know more about their history, symbolism, and usage?

Would you like to harness the power of Norse magic, rites, and rituals so you can connect with the extraordinary Norse gods and goddesses?

If so, look no further. Norse Magic, Runes & Mythology is the ideal guide that will take you through the past and present of the mysterious, fascinating, symbolic world of Norse paganism.

Norse practices, rites, and rituals are far from limited to a bygone era.

Rather, the knowledge they contain has been passed on from generation to generation, and you, too, can harness the power of Norse magic in your daily life.

Norse Magic, Runes & Mythology contain a perfect blend of information about myths, realms,gods, and practical information on how to apply Norse magic in your life to guide you and assist you in achieving your goals.

Within its pages, you will find

An introduction to Norse magic featuring information on Odin’s tale of sacrifice, the nature of magic, and the power of language.

● Engaging information on Norse cosmology and the history of the world—from the Ginnungagap to the creation of the Nine Realms and the importance of the World Tree.

● The enigmatic gods and goddesses who shaped an array of worlds and resided in them—including the Æsir (such as Odin and Frigg) and the Vanir (Nerthus and Kvasir).

Norse paganism—its characteristics, beliefs, and rituals—and how you can practice it and harness its power.

The runes—their history, symbol, meaning, and usage. Discover how to cast, bind, and store runes.

● The key elements of Norse magic—including seiðr, spá, and galdr, plus key information about domestic and healing magic.

Powerful Norse rites you can practice today—such as prayer and offerings, blót, Sumbel, and naming and wedding ceremonies.

If you always thought that Norse magic belonged exclusively to the Gods, think again. Magic was and continues to be part of the Norse pagan community, and you can use it to divine the future, ask the Gods for something you desire or lend tradition and beauty to ceremonies such as your wedding.

Plus, as a bonus, you will get Guide to Norse Paganism & Guide to Norse Pagan Holidays; in these, you will discover…

  • A detailed guide to what it takes to be a Norse Paganist – explore the world of Norse traditions, beliefs, mystical practices, and more
  • Elves, dwarves, trolls, giants, and many magical creatures and monsters in a comprehensive Norse bestiary
  • The cycle of birth and death and how it shaped the Viking culture
  • How to practice your beliefs while living in modern times – discover a complete framework to becoming a Norse Pagan
  • A comprehensive guide to celebrating Norse paganism – explore the festivities of nature, people, and magic deeply rooted in Norse customs throughout the year

And much more…

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Within the Norse traditions, you’ll find a more profound and meaningful way to live your life.

Its refreshing and liberating ways allow you to unlock your spiritual, physical, material, and emotional potential.

So, what are you waiting for?

The world of Norse Paganism awaits you – scroll up and click “Add to Cart” right now.

Serbia’s Hidden Past: From the First Europeans to Modern Times: A Journey into the Lost History of Serbia and the Balkans

Serbia, a land rich in history, holds some of the most significant yet often overlooked archaeological sites in Europe. From the enigmatic stone settlements of Lepenski Vir to the advanced urban planning of Vinča, the region has been home to some of the earliest and most advanced civilisations on the continent. However, despite their importance, many of these ancient sites have been neglected, submerged, or overshadowed by modern developments. This book seeks to uncover the true history of Serbia by exploring its archaeological past and linking it to modern DNA analysis, revealing the genetic continuity of its people and the potential secrets hidden beneath its soil.
For centuries, mainstream history has often overlooked or misrepresented the significance of Serbian archaeological sites. The deliberate flooding of Lepenski Vir, the lack of proper excavation at Vinča, and the industrial developments at Viminacium raise questions about why these places have not received the attention they deserve. Were these events simply coincidental, or do they point to a broader effort to suppress historical truths? This book will examine these patterns, exploring the possibility that Serbia’s ancient past holds discoveries that challenge conventional historical narratives. By following a chronological timeline, we will trace the development of human civilisation in Serbia from the first known European settlers to modern times. The journey begins with the earliest human presence in the region, as evidenced by Neanderthal and early Homo sapiens remains found in caves such as Pešturina and Velika Balanica. These discoveries suggest that early humans inhabited the region far earlier than traditionally acknowledged, with genetic links to both Western European and Asian populations.

Serbia’s Hidden Past: From the First Europeans to Modern Times: A Journey into the Lost History of Serbia and the Balkans

Serbia, a land rich in history, holds some of the most significant yet often overlooked archaeological sites in Europe. From the enigmatic stone settlements of Lepenski Vir to the advanced urban planning of Vinča, the region has been home to some of the earliest and most advanced civilisations on the continent. However, despite their importance, many of these ancient sites have been neglected, submerged, or overshadowed by modern developments. This book seeks to uncover the true history of Serbia by exploring its archaeological past and linking it to modern DNA analysis, revealing the genetic continuity of its people and the potential secrets hidden beneath its soil.
For centuries, mainstream history has often overlooked or misrepresented the significance of Serbian archaeological sites. The deliberate flooding of Lepenski Vir, the lack of proper excavation at Vinča, and the industrial developments at Viminacium raise questions about why these places have not received the attention they deserve. Were these events simply coincidental, or do they point to a broader effort to suppress historical truths? This book will examine these patterns, exploring the possibility that Serbia’s ancient past holds discoveries that challenge conventional historical narratives. By following a chronological timeline, we will trace the development of human civilisation in Serbia from the first known European settlers to modern times. The journey begins with the earliest human presence in the region, as evidenced by Neanderthal and early Homo sapiens remains found in caves such as Pešturina and Velika Balanica. These discoveries suggest that early humans inhabited the region far earlier than traditionally acknowledged, with genetic links to both Western European and Asian populations.

The Akkadian Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the Rise and Fall of the Akkadians (History of Mesopotamia)

Discover the remarkable history of the first ancient empire of Mesopotamia after the long-lived civilization of Sumer!

Where did Sargon the Great come from—this abandoned baby rescued from the river?

How did he grow up to daringly and dramatically conquer all of Mesopotamia and beyond?

What propelled his stunning ascent to rule the world’s first empire, which stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea?

What can we learn about the fascinating origins and culture of the Akkadians and their unprecedented rise?

What curse preceded the empire’s cataclysmic fall?

This extensively researched, authoritative history of the Akkadian Empire will unlock the little-known and awe-inspiring stories of the people who boldly changed the world. This easy-to-read, comprehensive, and engaging presentation with striking illustrations brings the Akkadian civilization to life.

Some of the fascinating questions you will explore include:

  • What prehistoric people lived in Mesopotamia at the dawn of time?
  • How did the world’s first cities vie for power?
  • What precipitated Sargon’s rise from gardener to cupbearer to king?
  • Why was Mesopotamia’s “Golden Age” golden?
  • What horrific drought impelled the empire’s collapse?
  • Why was the Akkadian military machine indomitable?
  • How did the Akkadian’s life-like sculptures rival classical Greece 1,600 years later?
  • Why was the first empire so short?
  • What gods did the Akkadians worship, and how did their religion impact their lives?
  • And much, much more!

Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn more about the Akkadian Empire!

The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook of Sacred Texts

Original price was: £23.99.Current price is: £21.79.

Zeus and the other gods of shining Olympus were in reality divine only by popular consent. Over the course of time Olympian luster diminished in favor of religious experiences more immediate to the concerns of people living in an increasingly cosmopolitan ancient world. These experiences were provided by the mysteries, religions that flourished particularly during the Hellenistic period and were secretly practiced by groups of adherents who decided, through personal choice, to be initiated into the profound realities of one deity or another. Unlike the official state religions, in which people were expected to make an outward show of allegiance to the local gods, the mysteries emphasized an inwardness and privacy of worship within a closed band of initiates.
In this book, Marvin W. Meyer explores the sacrifices and prayers, the public celebrations and secret ceremonies, the theatrical performances and literary works, the gods and goddesses that were a part of the mystery religions of Greece in the seventh century B.C. to the Judaism and Christianity of the Roman world of the seventh century A.D.

The Aztec Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the History of the Aztecs, Starting with the Settlement in the Valley of Mexico (Ancient Mexico)

If you are curious about how the extraordinary Aztecs lived and ran their empire, then keep reading!

The remarkable Aztecs formed a vast, organized empire renown for military prowess, expansive trade, intriguing culture, and ingenious agriculture – all from an island in a swamp. But where was their mysterious homeland of Aztlan? How did they ascend to dominance in the Valley of Mexico?

Explore the mesmerizing origins of the Aztecs, discover how a wandering desert tribe came to rule much of present-day Mexico, and investigate the spectacular – albeit somewhat depraved – culture that set their civilization apart.

This easy-to-read, comprehensive, and engaging history of the Aztec Empire will unlock the little-known and awe-inspiring stories and culture of a legendary people. This well-researched and authoritative presentation, accompanied by striking illustrations, brings the Aztec civilization to life.

Here are some of the fascinating questions you will explore:

  • What secrets have recent archaeological finds uncovered about the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican cultures?
  • How did the startling cultures that existed before the Aztecs influence them? What made these pre-existing cultures famous?
  • What prophesies propelled the Mexica into their empire-building destiny and formed their self-identity?
  • Why did the Mexica build their astonishing city on an island in the middle of a lake? How did it grow into one of the largest cities in the world at that time?
  • Was their mysterious homeland of Aztlan a real place? If so, where was it?
  • What’s this story about an eagle on a cactus eating a rattlesnake?
  • How did the Mexica turn the tables to rule over the tribes that once dominated them?
  • What intrigue led to the coalition armies and the Triple Alliance?
  • How did the Aztecs form their extensive network of power and organize their far-flung city-states?
  • What were their mythology and religion like? Did they actually practice human sacrifice?
  • How did they use their stunning sculptures and brilliant artwork as a type of propaganda?
  • Were they really one of the first civilizations to require education for all classes and both boys and girls?
  • What did they eat? Was it anything like present-day Mexican food?
  • How did the common people live? What did they do for fun?
  • What did the Aztecs do when the Spaniards landed in their territory?
  • How did conquistador Hernán Cortés cunningly form alliances with the Aztecs’ enemies?
  • And much, much more!

Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button to learn more about the incredible Aztecs!


The History of the Peloponnesian War (Classics)

Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £12.49.

‘With icy remorselessness, it puts paid to any notion that the horrors of modern history might be an aberration – for it tells of universal war, of terrorism, revolution and genocide’ Tom Holland

The long life-and-death struggle between Athens and Sparta plunged the ancient Greek world into decades of war. Thucydides was an Athenian and achieved the rank of general in the earlier stages of the war, and in this detailed, first-hand contemporary account he writes as both a soldier and a historian. He applies a passion for accuracy and a contempt for myth and romance in compiling a factual record of a ruinous conflict that would eventually destroy the Athenian empire.

Translated by Rex Warner with an introduction and notes by M. I. Finley

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