
Ancient Aliens®: The Official Companion Book

Original price was: £18.99.Current price is: £15.39.

The first official companion book to HISTORY® network’s hit series Ancient Aliens®: a powerful journey through human history that explores fascinating unanswered questions about the origins of our civilizations. With a foreword by Series Creator, Kevin Burns.

Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. What if it were true? And if so, what if there were clues left behind? Each week, hundreds of thousands of viewers tune in to the wildly popular Ancient Aliens® television series to seek insight into those very questions—and to become part of a thrilling, probing exploration of the mysteries at the heart of world civilizations.

The first official companion book to the hit show, Ancient Aliens® takes readers even deeper into the mysteries that have made the show a pop culture phenomenon. Filled with exciting insights and behind-the scenes stories from the show’s creators and leading experts in ancient alien theory, the book explores the key questions at the heart of the series:

  • Who were they?
  • Why did they come?
  • What did they leave behind?
  • Where did they go?
  • Will they return?

Transporting readers around the globe, Ancient Aliens® explores the fascinating enigmas and mysterious artifacts our ancestors left behind, from incredible objects to amazingly accurate ancient maps; from the Great Pyramid of Giza and stone megaliths at Gobekli Tepe to the Nazca Plains and mysterious structures of Puma Punku.

Accompanied by lavish 4-color photography throughout, the book allows armchair archaeologists to examine the evidence up close for the first time. Both the ultimate-fan book and the perfect gift for readers new to the show, Ancient Aliens® is a compelling journey through the mysteries of our ancient civilizations and the possibility of alien influence on our cultures.


Ancient Book of Jubilees

Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £6.61.
Almost lost over the centuries, the Book of Jubilees was retrieved from the Ethiopic language, translated into English by R. H. Charles, and was recently found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Jubilees is also called the Little Genesis, Book of Divisions, and the Apocalypse of Moses. It repeats the events of Genesis and Exodus from Creation to the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. It recounts the events in sets of jubilees (sets of 49 years) and gives additional details such as the fall of the angels, and the creation and destruction of the Nephilim. It also mentions the three classes of pre-flood Nephilim. It details the fact that one-tenth of their disembodied spirits would remain on earth as demons to tempt people and nine-tenths would be chained until the Tribulation Period. Learn what secrets this Dead Sea Scroll holds. Compare the mysterious Qumran calendar with that of the Bible to learn more about biblical prophecies. The commentary is written from a fundamentalist Christian perspective. Brought to you by Biblefacts Ministries,

Ancient Mysteries of the Essenes: The Ken Johnson Collection

:TheAncient Mysteries of the Essenes: The Ken Johnson Collectionis the groundbreaking research involving the ancient Essene community, their astonishingly accurate prophecies, and what they foretell for our immediate future.
Part 1: The Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar and the Prophecies it Reveals, a mysterious 364-day solar calendar used by the ancients from the time of Creation to about 170 BC is finally recreated. In this section you will learn about God’s original solar calendar and discover what prophecies it perfectly revealed, and those coming next, which were deliberately hidden from mankind until the appointed time. Learn about these imminent appointments and how to start using the original calendar God gave us.
Part 2: Ancient Testaments of the Patriarchs: Autobiographies from the Dead Sea Scrollsfragments of twenty hidden prophetic texts found in the Dead Sea scrolls are published including the testaments of Enos (Adam’s grandson), Enoch, Lamech (Noah’s father), Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Levi, Judah, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin, Kohath (son of Levi, and father of Amram), Amram (father of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam), and Aaron. Discover what these extra-biblical prophecies say about the Messiah, including Aaron’s warning of the Messiah’s First Coming.
Finally, in
Part 3: Ancient Order of Melchizedek astonishing facts about Melchizedek are finally deciphered. For the first time, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the ancient church fathers, and other rare history books reveal the mystery of the Ancient Order of Melchizedek, which the apostle Paul spoke of in the book of Hebrews, and why this priesthood was and is different than the priesthood of Levi. Why the Messiah was ordained after the order of Melchizedek, and how the facts around this mysterious order dynamically effects Christian theology and practical applications for our Christian walk today.

Ancient Mysteries: Enoch’s Ascension, Modern Artifacts, Göbekli Tepe’s Pillar 43, Atlantis, Lemuria, and Agartha


Embark on an extraordinary journey through the mysteries of the ages with “Ancient Mysteries: Unveiling Ancient Secrets Enoch’s Ascension, Modern Artifacts, Gobekli Tepe’s Pillar 43, Atlantis, Lemuria, and Agartha.” This captivating book delves into five intriguing parts, each unraveling a different facet of our enigmatic past.

Part 1: Divine Voyages Explore the awe-inspiring realms of Enoch’s Ascension and the timeless mysteries surrounding Noah’s Ark. Witness the cosmic warning heeded by Giants and Watchers, delving into the cataclysmic flood and the emergence of a single vessel—the Ark. Uncover the global echoes of Noah’s Ark across diverse cultures and religions, challenging conventional beliefs with classified evidence from the CIA.

Part 2: The Presence of Modernity in Antiquity Embark on a journey through the evolution of human technology, from ancient fire creation to space travel. Discover the linear progression of human innovation disrupted by the unexplainable—objects out of place and time. Encounter a computer on a sunken Roman ship, a power plant in a 100,000-year-old cave, and evidence of a billion-year-old nuclear reactor, challenging the orderly narrative of human progress.

Part 3: Sacred Stones and Ancient Visions Unearth the mysteries of Göbekli Tepe’s Pillar 43 and the Vulture Stone Prophecy. Explore the advanced civilization that once spanned the globe, leaving behind monumental structures and a shared global society. Encounter a chilling warning embedded in stone, revealing a cataclysmic collapse 14,500 years ago and the unsettling truth about the cyclical nature of our civilizations.

Part 4: Discovering Atlantis and Lemuria Dive into the enduring fascination with Atlantis and the forgotten continent of Lemuria. Explore the theories, legends, and interpretations surrounding these submerged worlds. Contemplate the absence of proof for Atlantis, contrasting with the massive landmass of Lemuria believed to have succumbed to an ancient catastrophe in the Indian Ocean.

Part 5: Discovering Agartha Unravel the myths surrounding Agartha, a mysterious subterranean kingdom hidden from the surface-dwellers. Picture a society untouched by time, unscathed by war, thriving in the vast open spaces inside the Earth. Follow the tales of explorers who claim to know the real location of Agartha, a subterranean civilization with advanced technology and ancient wisdom.

“Ancient Mysteries” challenges established narratives, prompting readers to question the untold stories and suppressed discoveries that shape our understanding of history. As the past and present intertwine, embrace the mysteries waiting to be unveiled in this thought-provoking journey through the ages.

Ancient Whispers: Rediscovering Celtic Wisdom and the Transformative Power of Prayer

Original price was: £13.27.Current price is: £12.33.

Spirit is forever present,
cradling you in Divine arms.

Ancient Celtic spirituality speaks to our longing for connection, belonging, and a deep sense of purpose. In the midst of the fast-paced and often chaotic world we inhabit, the prayers in this book, written in the Celtic tradition, offer a respite—a gentle reminder that amid the rainstorms of life, we can find a warm hearth, a place of refuge, where we are held and embraced by the Divine.

This book is a handbook for exploring the depths of your own soul, guided by the Light that illuminates your being. Each prayer is a doorway, an invitation to cultivate a profound awareness of the sacred in the ordinary moments of your life, to commune with the natural world, and to awaken to the presence of Spirit that permeates all existence.

In the rhythm of daily prayer,
find space to breathe, listen, and be transformed.


Before the Pyramids: Cracking Archaeology’s Greatest Mystery

Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £10.72.
‘Absolutely fascinating, and very, very convincing.’ – Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods.
Journey with
Christopher Knight and Alan Butler as they divulge their chillingly compelling scientific evidence of the existence of an advanced, technological civilisation in the far-off Ages. The suggestion that the Giza pyramids were laid out to represent the stars of Orion’s belt, with the position of the River Nile reflecting the Milky Way, was first put forward by Robert Bauval. In Before the Pyramids, Knight and Butler reveal that the British henges were arranged in the same formation but much earlier. They also present irrefutable evidence that the astronomical calculations determining the layout of the pyramids could only have been made from the site of the henges in North Yorkshire. From this they can conclude that the pyramids of the pharaohs were conceived and planned in Britain! Their next stunning discovery takes us to modern times. They have found evidence that the whole Megalithic measuring system has survived into the 20th century. There are examples in Washington, DC even in the positioning and construction of the Pentagon, which was only commenced in 1942 and is an exact copy of the dimensions of Stonehenge, dating to 3,000 BC.
Get your hands on this world-shattering take on modern day civilisation.


Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit

Original price was: £11.99.Current price is: £11.55.
Offering both comfort to the fearful and confirmation to the curious, this title examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms. What happens at the point of death? Where do we go afterwards? Does one’s personality survive after death? How are the good and the bad experiences of life accounted for? What is the purpose of life? These are questions everybody asks. And no one is better qualified to provide reasonable answers than Dolores Cannon. During fifteen years of detailed research, this widely experienced and well-respected American past-life regression therapist has accumulated a mass of credible information about the death experience and what lies beyond. While reliving their dying experiences, hundreds of subjects reported the same memories. The similarity and sincerity of their recollections are too convincing to be ignored. This book is a good introduction to the death experience, to guides and guardian angels; ghosts and walk-ins. It examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms; the healing places for the damaged; the schools where you integrate lessons learned on Earth and where you discover the laws of the Universe; how you plan your next incarnation, the lessons to be learned and future karmic relationships before birth.

Codex Esoterica: The Compendium of Hidden Human Knowledge


Codex Esoterica is a compilation of multidisciplinary knowledge. It is a fusion of many fields of science, esoteric wisdom, philosophy, and Ancient Spirituality. It is designed to transform a person into a Philomath, or lover of learning. Inside is knowledge acquired from in-depth study of the Spiritual Traditions of the Ancient and Modern world, the Sciences, the Occult, and everything in between. It is not intended to be a hard rule for how absolutely everything works. No mortal can know it, or the being would be all-knowing, or what humanity has traditionally referred to as god.

What’s Inside:

  • Sacred Geometry Unveiled: Codex Esoterica begins its journey by unraveling the secrets of sacred geometry, exposing the intricate design that governs the physical universe. Through profound insights, readers will gain a deep understanding of how these geometric patterns shape and mold the world around us.
  • Forces of Energy and Their Dance with Matter: Navigate the complex fusion between the forces of energy and the material realm. Codex Esoterica illuminates the symbiotic relationship between energy and matter, comprehensively exploring the unseen forces that influence our everyday experiences.
  • Consciousness as the Navigator: Embark on a transformative exploration of consciousness and its unparalleled role in directing the ebb and flow of energy. This section provides profound insights into the nature of consciousness, empowering readers to harness their awareness as a powerful force for intentional living.
  • The Purposeful Incarnation: Uncover the mysteries of your existence as Codex Esoterica delves into the reasons behind your chosen incarnation on Earth. Gain clarity on the purpose that led you to this moment and understand the cosmic forces in your journey through time and space.
  • The Human Body as the Vessel of Wisdom: In the final revelation, Codex Esoterica unveils the remarkable truth that the human body is a repository of this sacred knowledge. Learn how to operate your body as an instrument for conscious development, unlocking the potential for profound discoveries and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Codex Esoterica is a beacon of enlightenment for those seeking a deeper understanding of the hidden realms that shape our reality. Seasoned seekers or curious novices will find invaluable knowledge about the profound journey into the heart of esoteric wisdom, providing the tools to navigate the intricate tapestry of existence. Exploring Codex begin the expedition into the realms of hidden human wisdom.

As Graham Hancock famously said, Humanity is a species with amnesia. The purpose of forgetting, the reason for the amnesia, is to get us to focus on the matter. Focus on the matter creates a mission that must be accomplished with the time given here.

Time does not stop moving, whether you want to or not it forces us to make a choice. We cannot do all things because that would be another godlike quality.

What we decide to focus on either aligns with our true self and the desire for a certain experience, or a fake identity we manufacture to help someone else realize their dream.

My sincerest wish in writing this is that something within these pages will allow you to realize yours.

Recognize what is in your sight. That which is hidden from you will become plain to you.

Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets

The history of the Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The author is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King who founded a colony in ancient Egypt, wrote the Emerald Tablets in his native Atlantean language which was translated by many famous scholars. This compendium of the Emerald Tablets gives unique insight and understanding of the content. Billy Carson breaks down each tablet and decodes all of the esoteric messages, metaphysics, technology and quantum mechanics for the reader. Because of the tablet’s reference to the Egypt and sacred geometry they became a priority reference for those studying the Flower of Life and the Merkaba meditation. Foreword by Jimmy Church. 5 star reviews by Erich Von Daniken, Dr Tara Swart, George Noory, Jason Martell and many more!

Cosmic Legacy of Ancient Egypt


Today, we do not use our ancient cosmic orientation to relate to the natural world as we once did. It’s no longer determined by where we are or what time it is by the Sun’s daily motion across the sky. Our perception of the outside world has changed, and we have lost our sense of wholeness within a great system. Factors such as our work and play rhythms, clothing, diet, and travel are affected by climatic and seasonal factors. These factors affect our unconscious sense of timing and our ability to communicate with nature, which we often overlook.

Often we marvel at the apparent serenity and spiritual confidence of ancient people, forgetting that their tools were taught and used within an environment that encouraged them to recognize and embrace natural and divine forces. These tools enabled one to maintain a profound sense of cosmic orientation, keep it, and view one’s role as actual spiritual work. In ancient Egypt, a man named Al was gifted with a sense of cosmic orientation.

As dams have been constructed in our era, the Nile no longer produces an annual flood, but understanding the rhythm of that event and others associated with it is essential to understanding Egyptian rituals and ceremonies. To restore cosmic orientation, we need to leave our temporal field of time and enter the visible universe of ancient Egypt, where cosmic rhythms sustained human life, nature, and even the gods.

For Egyptians, both secular and spiritual matters were governed by the concept of time. Even though the gods’ realms (Neheh) were considered eternal, they were also continuous and manifested in cycles. According to cosmic life’s ebbs and flows, gods appeared at different times but were lasting and constant. Through the medium of heavenly bodies, events take place in linear time (Djet) and according to the ebb and flow of cosmic life. The three dimensions of cosmic activity were thought to be formed by three distinct rhythms, the lunar, solar, and stellar.

Discovering the Mysteries of Phoenician Legends: Unlocking Ancient Knowledge: A Journey Through the Enigmatic World of Phoenician Mythology

Do you want to embark on an exciting journey back in time to uncover the secrets of one of the most intriguing civilizations in history? Then, “Discovering the Mysteries of Phoenician Legends” is the book for you! This captivating guide will take you on an enthralling adventure as we explore the fascinating culture, myths, and legends of the Phoenicians.

Through this must-read book, you will unlock the knowledge and understanding of the Phoenician civilization that once ruled the Mediterranean world. Immerse yourself in the world of the Phoenicians and discover:

– The history and origin of the Phoenician civilization
– The religion and deities worshipped by the Phoenicians
– The famous Phoenician myths and legends
– The Phoenician alphabet and its impact on modern language

Featured List:
– Unravel the mysteries of one of the world’s most fascinating civilizations.
– Engage in an adventurous journey back in time.
– The perfect gift for history buffs and myth lovers.
– Unlock the secrets of the Phoenician culture.

What are you waiting for? Grab a copy today and indulge in a thrilling voyage to discover the secrets of Phoenician Legends! Add to cart now!

Unlocking Ancient Knowledge: A Journey Through the Enigmatic World of Phoenician Mythology


Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century: vi

Original price was: £16.99.Current price is: £13.15.

In this beautifully-written guide, Chief Druid Philip Carr-Gomm shows how the way of Druids can be followed today. He explains

– The ancient history and inspiring beliefs of the ancient Druids
– Druidic wild wisdom and their tree-, animal- and herb-lore
– The mysteries of the Druids’ seasonal celebrations
– The Druids’ use of magic and how their spirituality relates to paths such as Wicca

This guide will show how the wild wisdom of the Druids can help us to connect with our spirituality, our innate creativity, the natural world and our sense of ancestry. The life-enhancing beliefs and practices of this spiritual path have much to offer our 21st-century world.


Fingerprints Of The Gods: The International Bestseller From the Creator of Netflix’s ‘Ancient Apocalypse’.

Original price was: £22.99.Current price is: £17.99.


Fingerprints of the Gods is a revolutionary rewrite of history that has persuaded millions of readers throughout the world to change their preconceptions about the history behind modern society.

An intellectual detective story, this unique history book directs probing questions at orthodox history, presenting disturbing new evidence that historians have tried – but failed – to explain.

This groundbreaking evidence includes:

· Accurate ancient maps that show the world as it last looked during the Ice Age, thousands of years before any civilisation capable of making such maps is supposed to have existed.
· Evidence of the devastating scientific and astronomical information encoded into prehistoric myths.
· The incredible feat of the construction of the great pyramids of Egypt and of megalithic temples on the Giza plateau.
· The mysterious astronomical alignments of the pyramids and the Great Sphinx.
· The antediluvian geology of the Sphinx.
· The megalithic temples of the Andes.
· The myths of Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl.
· The pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in Mexico.
· The doomsday calendar and eerie memories of the ancient Maya.
· The warning from the Hopi of Arizona.

Greek, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome: Fascinating Insights, Mythology, Stories, History & Knowledge From The World’s Most Interesting Civilizations & Empires: 4 books


Discover Myths, History & More From The World’s Most Ancient Civilizations!

Within this epic 4 book bundle are vibrant, exciting, and memorable characters – plus places, myths, history, legends and more from Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome.

Included in this Captivating 4 Book Collection are:

  • Ancient Egypt: Discover Fascinating History, Mythology, Gods, Goddesses, Pharaohs, Pyramids & More From The Mysterious Ancient Egyptian Civilisation.
  • Greek Mythology: Explore The Timeless Tales Of Ancient Greece, The Myths, History & Legends of The Gods, Goddesses, Titans, Heroes, Monsters & More
  • Mythology of Mesopotamia: Insights, Myths, Stories & History From The World’s Most Ancient Civilization. Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian.
  • Roman Empire: Rise & The Fall. Explore The History, Mythology, Legends, Epic Battles & Lives Of The Emperors, Legions, Heroes, Gladiators & More

We promise that once you’ve finished reading you’ll not only take away a wealth of information – but you’ll own the experience as if you’ve lived it yourself!

That’s because we have a passion for presenting factual, enjoyable history and culture in a style that keeps you turning the pages. Our books aim to not only provide you with the knowledge but to create an experience…We want you to feel the mythology and history “brought alive”

Allow us then to guide you through the mysterious, fascinating and magnificent histories of Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome. Gods, goddesses, kings, queens, pyramids, mythology, culture, battles, beliefs, rituals, love, war, and much more.

All This & Much More In This 4 Book Collection, including:

  • The Timeline of Roman History – How did it all begin? And how did it end?
  • The Ancient Origins & Story of The Olympics
  • Introduction to the Sumerians, Assyrians, Persians & Babylonians.
  • Egyptian Mythology, Gods & Goddesses – including, Ra; God of The Sun, Seth; God of Chaos, Osiris & more
  • How The Roman Military Became The Most Powerful In The World.
  • How Mesopotamia Laid Foundations for Human Civilization – technology, laws, education, languages & more.
  • Ancient Greek Monsters – Medusa, The Hydra, Typhon, Cerberus & More!
  • Love, War, Suicide & Venom – The Cleopatra, Caesar & Mark Antony Love Triangle
  • Mesopotamian epics & myths, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Babylonian Creation Myth, The Enuma Elish & many more.
  • Uncovering The Secrets of The Pyramids & The Mysteries Mummification

And much, much more…

It’s time to pull back the curtain and discover what it was really like back then. Get closer to those fantastic, colorful, and mysterious times.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast or just a curious reader…Inside you will discover a wealth of history, mythology, culture and more in this book.

Hidden Artifacts: The Forbidden Quest for Hidden Knowledge


‘Hidden Artifacts: The Forbidden Quest for Hidden Knowledge’ is a thrilling expedition into the enigmatic realm of archaeological discoveries and the scholars brave enough to venture into this world. Authored by the intrepid Felicity Kelly, the report takes you on an odyssey from the jungles of South America to the underwater world of the Mediterranean Sea, unraveling compelling mysteries of our past.

Felicity masterfully merges her thirst for adventure and unparalleled storytelling prowess to bring a gripping narrative to life. The report carefully navigates us through a labyrinth of hushed secrets, submerged kingdoms, and awe-inspiring cultural artifacts.

Chapter Highlights include:

  • Unveiling The Obscure: Prologue to Artifact Hunting
  • Heroes of the Unseen: An Overview of Key Artifact Hunters
  • Jungle Journeys: Expeditions into the Rainforest Depths
  • Submerged Secrets: Discoveries Beneath the Ocean Waves
About the Author:

A native of Ireland, Felicity Kelly is a bold adventurer, detailed researcher, and captivating storyteller. With her roots in the folklore-rich Irish lands, Felicity developed her love for uncovering hidden truths. Her journeys span across the globe, leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit for hidden knowledge. Kelly is also an active promoter of cultural heritage conservation and exerts considerable efforts in educating the public about ethical artifact collection and preservation.

‘Hidden Artifacts: The Forbidden Quest for Hidden Knowledge’ is not just a report, it’s a call to journey into the untrodden territories of our past and redefine our understanding of human history. Whether you’re an earnest seeker of forgotten narratives or an enthusiast of thrilling adventures, this report holds secrets that can change your perception of the past and inspire your vision of the future. Unearth it today!

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